A peaceful shitting session (Y)

I'm sitting on the floor right by the elevator (that's the spot that we rule!)...so yea that's where i'm sitting on the hard floor...i mean seriously...couldn't the person who invented floors made them softer?...because my butt totally freakin' hurts right now...but anyways, on to more important things. So, earlier i was in the toilet right?..You know, just trying to have a peaceful shit...like we all do. Then i hear a big 'BANG!'...and then Getingen (the Wasp), mutters something about a clock...apparently she tried to 'fix' it...but that didn't work so...there i am, in the toilet, trying to shit in peace, and she's out there banging and clattering and just being downright noisy!...my shit has the tendency to travel back up my intestines when there's too much noise...i guess you can say that my shit is very noise sensitive! Well that's all for now...i'll hit up the blog later.
toodle loo mother fockeerrrrrrsss!...(asså, det kommer från filmen Backsmällan)....big fat LOL!
yours truly tingeling
yea even fairies shit!

Postat av: Tingeling

yesss...i am the SHIT!

2009-11-11 @ 12:51:42
URL: http://munollatta.blogg.se/

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